@article{DA, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/3173}, title = {Interview with Mark O. Hatfield}, publisher = {Oregon Health & Science University}, abstract = {Mark O. Hatfield relates his personal history, from birth in Dallas, Oregon in 1922, to his family's move to Salem, to graduation from high school in 1940 and enrollment at Willamette University. He explains that after a year in college, the bombing of Pearl Harbor prompted his joining the Naval Reserve. He completed an accelerated program at Willamette and trained as a midshipman before serving in the Navy in the Pacific arena. After the war, he entered Stanford University and earned a masters degree in political science, followed by a Ph.D. candidacy. Before completing the doctorate, Mr. Hatfield returned to Oregon to teach at Willamette University, and in 1950 he won his first elected political office as a State Representative. Mr. Hatfield also discusses his relationships with leaders at UOMS, which influenced him in his support for the federal funding of research and building projects on campus. His position on the Senate Appropriations Committee was also a key factor in obtaining funds for the university. The Vollum Institute is the result of Mr. Hatfield's first successful attempt at gaining federal funds for buildings at the university, which include the School of Nursing, the Biomedical Information Communication Center (BICC), and the Neuro/Sensory Research Center (NRC). Throughout the interview, he provides anecdotes which illustrate his feeling that it is the collective effort of individuals and the quality of leadership which has created OHSU's stature and reputation.}, number = {DA}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/M41J98H3}, recid = {3173}, address = {1998-10-22}, year = {1998}, month = {Oct}, }