@article{IR, author = {Greene, Nathaniel and Brown, Adam and Greenberg, Michelle and Auslander, Burt and Xu, Yan}, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/41280}, title = {Expanding occupational health at OHSU – onboard anywhere}, publisher = {Oregon Health and Science University}, abstract = {This project engaged with the Occupational Health Department at OHSU with a goal of making occupational health services more equitable across the states of Oregon and Washington, particularly for new hires being onboarded to meet employment requirements before starting a new job. All OHSU employees, contractors, volunteers, and students are required to complete or provide a record that they fulfill their Occupational Health compliance requirements (i.e., immunization and respiratory fit testing). As occupational health resources are only available at the Marquam Hill campus, OHSU staff employed outside of the Portland-Metro area may be facing an inequitable burden and/or expense. To appropriately address this problem, our team conducted geographic information system (GIS) analysis using OHSU employment databases, surveyed and interviewed for current employees in hiring roles across the organization, and investigated several possible innovative avenues to provide occupational health services to OHSU employees far from the Marquam Hill Campus. Our analysis showed that OHSU would be best served by partnering with existing health care organizations already offering occupational health services in key areas where there are concentrations of OHSU employees, as well as devote resources to streamlining the hiring process and providing clarity about occupational health requirements and resources to all OHSU employees in a hiring role.}, number = {IR}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/bpxhc41280}, recid = {41280}, address = {2023-07-12}, }