@article{DA, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/4148}, title = {Miscellaneous medical instruments}, abstract = {A large collection of miscellaneous medical instruments in a cardboard box, donated in March 1949 by Mrs. Sard Wiest. The collection includes: 1) two uterine augers, 2) small obstetrical forceps, 3) two vaginal specula, 4) plaster knife, 5) glass tongue depressor, 6) curved metal tongue depressor, 7) four trocar points, 8) large hypodermic needle, 9) Vulsellum tenaculum forceps, 10) curved minor surgery knife, 11) adjustable dental mirror, 12) three black hard rubber syringe tips, 13) two curved catheters, 14) two clear glass cupping jars, 15) two hemostat forceps, 16) wooden case with three ear specula, 17) three stethoscope chest pieces, 18) grappling hook with a "T" handle, 19) small ear spoon and spud, 20) eye knife with a curved blade, 21) Bowmans eye probe, 22) Devils screw hook, 23) applicator for cotton, 24) nasal speculum, 25) double-ring catheter tube, without tip, 26) one snare, 27) tissue forceps, 28) open-ended placenta forceps, 29) irrigator tip, with threads, 30) one spoon tip, 31) one probe tip, and 32) curved blunt probe tip.}, number = {DA}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/M44F1P3J}, recid = {4148}, }