@article{IR, author = {Wong, Kristin}, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/42706}, title = {How Untranslatable Words Have Connected Me to My Mother}, publisher = {Catapult}, abstract = {This article is included in the digital library as part of a partnership between the OHSU Library and the Northwest Narrative Medicine Collaborative to share Narrative Medicine curriculum and the items used in those teaching sessions. For additional information about how the poem is used in teaching and a community driven context, please visit <a href="https://nwnmcollaborative.org/library/">Accessible Narrative Medicine website</a>. </p><p>Kristin Wong isĀ a journalist and freelance writer. Currently, she works as a researcher and writer for Hidden Brain Media. Her work centers aroundĀ interpersonal relationships and human behavior (Source: <a href="https://www.kristinwong.com/">kristinwong.com</a>). NOTE: the organization that granted us permission has been added to the publisher field.</br></br><b>Whenever you use this item in your own work, please use the citation listed in the Related Work Citation section below.</b>}, number = {IR}, recid = {42706}, address = {2022}, }