@article{IR, author = {Lahti, Elizabeth and Chan, Candace and Azim, Aniqa}, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/42976}, title = {Implementation of a resident huddle on inpatient wards}, publisher = {Oregon Health and Science University}, abstract = {OHSU internal medicine residents have limited exposure to their practice data, an ACGME requirement and an important part of resident education. On inpatient rotations, residents do not have a structured activity in which they can compare their own practice to evidence-based guidelines. In order to address this gap, we developed a structured resident huddle. Our goal is to use resident huddle to: 1) show inpatient medicine teams, 2) give residents an opportunity to create targeted goals to improve their practice based on identified evidence-based metrics, 3) deliver educational didactics to provide clinical context to these metrics.}, number = {IR}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/bpxhc42976}, recid = {42976}, address = {2024}, }