@article{ETD, school = {M.S.}, author = {Shah, Rebecca and Karstens, Lisa}, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/43710}, title = {Evaluation of currently available 16S rRNA gene copy number correction software packages for accuracy and impact in a mock microbial community and urinary microbiome dataset}, publisher = {Oregon Health and Science University}, abstract = {Here we evaluated the accuracy of several freely available software packages to correct for variable gene copy numbers in microbiome profiling using the 16S rRNA gene. We then applied these corrections to a published urinary microbiome dataset to show that the use of one of these packages has a measurable effect on the final results of human urinary microbiome studies.}, number = {ETD}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/bpxhc43710}, recid = {43710}, address = {2024-06-21}, }