@article{ETD, recid = {43801}, author = {Lichens, Rose}, title = {The child versus parent (psychology of adolescents for parents)}, publisher = {University of Oregon}, address = {1932-1941}, number = {ETD}, abstract = {From the beginning of the century there has been an awakening and dawning consciousness of the psychology of childhood and adolescence. My efforts in the foregoing paper are confined chiefly to parent child relationships to point out what I believe to be near ideal situations as possible. Individual freedom of the child is the goal set as the desired end in rearing a child. By correlating the work of some very prominent child psychologists and adding a few original thoughts, I hope to give what I believe to be highlights and rearing children intelligently in the average home with the average parent and the average child. }, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/43801}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/bpxhc43801}, }