@article{ETD, school = {D.N.P.}, author = {Reddy, Patricia M.}, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/8066}, title = {Implementation of a disaster triage assessment instrument to facilitate evacuation of hospitalized perinatal patients: a quality improvement project}, publisher = {Oregon Health and Science University}, abstract = {Disaster preparedness involves the anticipation of an event and integration of appropriate protocols that will likely mitigate the impact of a disaster. An evacuation triage tool for perinatal inpatients, a vulnerable population, that has been designed and integrated into an urban multi hospital teaching consortium, has not been evaluated for validity and reliability outside of this context. Multiple studies have focused on triaging inpatients for admission to care, only the OBTRAIN highlights triaging for evacuation in the perinatal inpatient setting. Inter-rater agreement of the OB-TRAIN instrument was assessed during a quality improvement project at a rural community hospital's labor-delivery-recovery-postpartum 7-bed unit with an overall 73% accordance over an 84-day evaluation. Three cycles implementing the plan-do-study-act framework of quality improvement measured the internal consistency by Cronbach's alpha with a result of 0.73. Forecasting of future transport needs could be assessed relying on data from the 84-day project: 16% no hospital census, 32% car discharge, 37% low acuity, 7% moderate acuity, 6% high acuity, and <1% shelter in place. During a disaster, having access to a tool to assess resource needs rapidly, and with reliability between raters, is essential for patient safety when decision making in a crisis management situation.}, number = {ETD}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/nk322f04j}, recid = {8066}, address = {2020}, }