@article{IR, author = {Martin, Becky}, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/9303}, title = {Career management for mid-career professional}, publisher = {Oregon Health and Science University}, abstract = {Career Management includes reflecting on past work experience, plus learning new skills for future opportunities. It is important because it can create more job security, or better yet, job satisfaction for a long career. The models and frameworks help sharpen skills such as writing, networking, embracing paradigm shifts and learning new technologies. They allow time to pause and reflect on how to make everyday actions more impactful. This model shows how a mid-career professional can work towards their goals, be it in incremental steps, to open new career options.}, number = {IR}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/f7623d15f}, recid = {9303}, address = {2021}, }