@article{ETD, recid = {9604}, author = {Galpin, Catherine}, title = {Inequality of PrEP delivery in the United States: bridging the gap for Latinx community members in Multnomah County, Oregon}, publisher = {Oregon Health and Science University}, school = {D.N.P.}, address = {2022}, number = {ETD}, abstract = {In Oregon alone Latinx represent 13% of the population yet 21% of new HIV diagnoses, 86% of whom are aged 20-49 and 94% of whom are men. This statistic increases when overlapping determinants coincide, leaving men who have sex with men (MSM), trans-identified, people who inject drugs (PWID), those with disabilities, women, irregularly documented, and unhoused with the highest percentage of new and undiagnosed HIV infections amongst the Latinx community. Few organizations have developed HIV prevention programs inclusive of monolingual non-English speakers and irregular migrants, despite that 25% of people who could qualify for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) are Latinx. Collaborating with a free-standing clinic serving this population in a part of Multnomah County, Oregon with the highest rate of new HIV infections, this project aimed to optimize service access by training prescribing providers on guideline directed evaluation and management (GDEM) of PrEP for its' entire patient population.}, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/9604}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/pr76f426z}, }