@article{ETD, school = {M.S.}, author = {Brigham, Caitlin}, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/9706}, title = {Grassroots filling in the cracks for Oregon farmworkers: a social justice and social movement analysis of Oregon's Alianza Poder}, publisher = {Oregon Health and Science University}, abstract = {The agricultural labor system in the United States is predicated upon the oppression of Latinx workers who are frequently denied access to the protection of fair labor laws based on their citizenship status and access to social capital. There is, however, a rich history of political organizing and resistance by farmworkers experiencing exploitation. This research advances social justice and food systems scholarship by looking at how Alianza Poder, a social justice coalition in Oregon, approaches activism with the intent of disrupting farmworker and immigrant exploitation by building economic, social, and political capital through grassroots movement work.}, number = {ETD}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/mp48sd441}, recid = {9706}, address = {2022}, }