@article{DA, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/9878}, title = {Dendron monthly news, issue 13}, publisher = {MFI (MindFreedom International)}, abstract = {The thirteenth issue of Dendron news, first distributed in July 1989. Contents include "Let us say NO to psychiatric drugs!" by David Oaks; "What did Abbie Hoffman & the Contras have in common?"; "Warning: Heat waves can kill people taking common types of psychiatric drugs!"; "Jury gives psychiatric inmate $600,000"; "U.S. Greens consider psychiatric liberation movement; "The Mind Trip"; and more.}, number = {DA}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/f7623d24d}, recid = {9878}, address = {1989-07-21}, }