@article{DA, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/9922}, title = {Scribe, Volume 37 Number 8}, publisher = {Medical Society of Metropolitan Portland}, abstract = {August 2019 issue of the Scribe. The issue features several articles focusing on medical education. Contents include: "Partial health plan funding highlights rocky state session," "'They're filling a tremendous gap': Portland Street Medicine provides much-needed services to area homeless people," "More rural doctors, better outcomes goals of $1.8M training grant," "A pathway to medicine: Wy'east program offers alternative route to medical school for Native students," and "American medical students less likely to choose to become primary care doctors."}, number = {DA}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/5q47rp51d}, recid = {9922}, address = {2019-08}, }