@article{DA, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/9924}, title = {Dendron monthly news, issue 14}, publisher = {MFI (MindFreedom International)}, abstract = {The fourteenth issue of Dendron news, first distributed in September 1989. Contents include "U.S. Supreme Court to hear oral arguments on forced psychiatric drugs;" "Virginia Davis: 'Surfacing in the Movement.';" "Update on U.S. government blacklist of psychiatric critics: Dinner with Jim Stockdill" by David Oaks; notes and highlights of the people who attended the 5th annual CHRP conference, "Alternatives '89," in August 1989; "Berserk in the Bluegrass" by Andrew January Grundy III; the poem "A witch is:," written by Anonymous; and more.}, number = {DA}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/f4752h53m}, recid = {9924}, address = {1989-09-15}, }