@article{DA, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/9925}, title = {Dendron monthly news, issues 15 and 16}, publisher = {MFI (MindFreedom International)}, abstract = {The special double issue of Dendron news comprised of issues 15 and 16, first distributed in January 1990. Contents include "Psychiatric racism blasted in new study!;" "Kate Millett tells her story: From famous feminist ... to 'diagnosed psychotic' ... to psychiatric survivor," serving as a promotion of her upcoming book, "The Looney Bin Trip"; information about the scheduling of the "Alternatives '90" annual conference; regional information, a fact sheet, and sign-up form for "The North American Support-Ins" to take place in May 1990; reports on the annual NARPA conference; a "Protest shock" report; a poem titled "Crazy Woman Talks to the Moon" by Madonna Holden; and more.}, number = {DA}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/73666521q}, recid = {9925}, address = {1990-01-11}, }