@article{DA, url = {http://digitalcollections.ohsu.edu/record/9928}, title = {Dendron monthly news, issue 19}, publisher = {MFI (MindFreedom International)}, abstract = {The nineteenth issue of Dendron news, first distributed in October 1990. Contents include "U.S. Food & Drug Administration proposes giving electroshock the rubber stamp!" by Seth Farber, Ph.D.; "'Mental health' helps control poor in Brazil!;" "Secret Service and psychiatry work together!;" a call for proposals by the Support-In coalition in "Mental liberation brainstorms!"; highlights of May 1990s Grassroots Events; a truth/lie fact sheet in "Zap their lies about electroshock!"; a book review of "Lobotomy!" by Elliot S. Valenstein; and more.}, number = {DA}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.6083/kp78gh06z}, recid = {9928}, address = {1990-10-24}, }