Melvin Paul Judkins collection

Dr. Melvin Paul Judkins was a trained urologist and general practitioner who made a mid-life transition into cardiovascular radiology. In his career at University of Oregon Medical School (1961-1970), he made groundbreaking advances in cardiac surgery.

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Melvin Paul Judkins collection 23 records found 1 - 10nextSearch took 0.13 seconds. 
Digital scan of a photograph of Dr. Al Starr.
Still image | Melvin Paul Judkins Collection |
Digital scan of photograph of Melvin P. Judkins, developer of the Judkins technique for selective coronary arteriography and former faculty member of the University of Or [...]
Still image | Melvin Paul Judkins Collection |
Digital photograph a stuffed cobra in strike pose, which is part of the Melvin P. Judkins papers. The cobra was given to Judkins by an Indian doctor in honor of Judkins's [...]
undated | Still image | Melvin Paul Judkins Collection |
Radiograph of a lumen-following safety J-guide for catheterization of tortuous vessels.
circa 1960s | Still image | Melvin Paul Judkins Collection |
Digital scan of photograph of Miles Lowell Edwards, the electrical engineer and inventor who founded Edwards Laboratories and who worked with Dr. Albert Starr, a surgeon [...]
circa 1980 | Still image | M. Lowell Edwards Public History Project|Melvin Paul Judkins Collection |
Digital scan of a glass lantern slide of the GE Lab at the University of Oregon Medical School.
circa 1966 | Still image | Melvin Paul Judkins Collection |
Digital scan of a glass lantern slide of a patient being scanned by High Resolution Serial Radiography in the GE lab at the University of Oregon Medical School.
circa 1966 | Still image | Melvin Paul Judkins Collection |
Digital scan of a glass lantern slide of a patient being scanned by High Resolution Serial Radiography in the GE lab at the University of Oregon Medical School.
circa 1966 | Still image | Melvin Paul Judkins Collection |
Digital scan of a glass lantern slide of a patient being scanned by High Resolution Serial Radiography in the GE lab at the University of Oregon Medical School.
circa 1966 | Still image | Melvin Paul Judkins Collection |
Digital scan of a glass lantern slide of a lumen-following safety J-guide for catheterization of tortuous vessels.
circa 1960s | Still image | Melvin Paul Judkins Collection |

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