There is a growing national demand to demonstrate quality of care, efficacious clinical outcomes and evidence based practice. Enhanced by Center for Medicare/Medicaid S [...]
2011 |
Portfolio |
This quality improvement project created a trauma-informed birth plan template using an innovative application of the framework developed by the National Center for Traum [...]
2024-03-12 |
Capstone |
Cesarean Birth (CB) has been consistently rising worldwide especially among women of advanced maternal age (AMA) group. The Robson 10-Group Classification System (TGCS) f [...]
2023 |
Dissertation |
Obstetrics is one of the oldest arts practiced by mankind as it is vitally concerned with the perpetuation of the race. To the modern mother, a pregnancy is far removed f [...]
1941 |
Thesis |
This text chronicles the early implementation of western medicine from settlers coming across the United States who made their home and built their practices in Oregon be [...]
1940 May 27 |
Text [general] |
Archival Publications |
Achieving quality and excellence are not new concepts to healthcare. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released the landmark report “To Err is Human: Building a S [...]
2009 |
Portfolio |
Dr. Carol Howe reflects on her life and career in the field of nurse-midwifery and nursing education and administration. She also discusses her early career teaching at t [...]
2015 May 19 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Early-career attrition is common in the midwifery profession, with 30% of midwives leaving clinical practice within 5 years of certification, and nearly 50% leaving withi [...]
2024-04-05 |
Final project |
Modern medicine is beginning to recognize the substantial effects of social determinants of health (SDoH) on overall wellbeing. The World Health Organization defines SDoH [...]
2023 |
Final project |