The primary objective of this pilot study was to evaluate if there was a relationship between autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity during sleep, as quantified by a tim [...]
2020 |
Thesis |
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) formerly known as temporal arteritis, is the most prevalent form of primary systemic vasculitis in adults, characterized by debilitating sympto [...]
2023 |
Capstone |
In a pediatric population before orthodontic treatment, to determine if there were: 1. significant differences in A. predicted TMJ loads (% applied bite force (BF)) and B [...]
2022-05-09 |
Thesis |
Ralph Merrill, D.D.S., M.Sc.D. decided on a career in dentistry while studying at the University of Denver, and during an externship at a Native American hospital in Alas [...]
2017 March 13 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
An examination of joint loads and muscle forces for bilateral and unilateral temporomandibular joint alloplastic implants. A numerical modeling program was used for diffe [...]
2024-11-21 |
Thesis |
This pilot study tested for differences in autonomic nervous system and masticatory muscle activities in subjects with and without TMD-associated pain (±Pain).
2023-12-08 |
Thesis |
Black and white photograph of Dr. Ralph G. Merrill. He joined University of Oregon Dental School faculty (1968) and rose to chief of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
1988 |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |
Currently, it is not possible to accurately predict the prognosis of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). The objective of this study was to test two hypotheses concerning [...]
2024-12-16 |
Thesis |
Approximately one million individuals with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders experience advanced symptoms, such as disc perforations, necessitating the removal of t [...]
2019 |
Dissertation |