ADHD has been associated with increased preference for smaller, immediate rewards over larger, later rewards (heightened delayed reward discounting), which is often inter [...]
2023 |
Capstone |
Many studies have highlighted how patients recall and retention of information post-consultation with physicians can misalign with the providers perceived expectations. T [...]
2024 |
Abstract |
An effort correction technique for longitudinal lung studies using four-dimensional computed tomography is described. This new technique focuses on nondamaged regions and [...]
2024-06-04 |
Thesis |
Alfred Kazuo Ono is an obstetrician in private practice in Portland, Oregon. Raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, he took his M.D. at the University of Minnesota. He complet [...]
2000 September 12 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Eugene Gettelman, M.D., talks about his education at the University of Oregon Medical School, including the social life there, about his internship and residency in Chica [...]
1999 February 27 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Ira Pauly, M.D. describes in this interview his life and career in psychiatry and how he came to specialize in treatment of the transgender community. Raised in Beverly H [...]
2015 February 18 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Dr. James Huntzicker is a Professor in the Division of Management at OHSU. After growing up in Ann Arbor, Michigan and completing undergraduate studies at the University [...]
2009 March 9 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |