A community health report by a student named J. Irving Tuell for Canby, Oregon in 1930. Includes information regarding local civic agencies; vital statistics; communicabl [...]
1930 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A public health survey for Corvallis, Oregon in 1932. Includes information regarding geographic location and climate; population and growth; revenue; vital statistics; lo [...]
1932 |
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Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A scan of a public health survey for Dallas, Oregon in 1932. Includes information regarding geographic location; civic health and organizations; food, milk, water, and se [...]
1932 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A public health survey by a student named Hope Brown Plymate for Dalles, Oregon in 1931. Includes information regarding geographic location; climate; Native Indian popula [...]
1931 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A public health survey by a student named Graeme H. Strickland for Hillsboro, Oregon in 1932. Includes information regarding geographic location and climate; civic and no [...]
1931 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A public health survey by Ross C. B. Thornton for Multnomah, Oregon in 1931. Includes information regarding geographical location; history of the settlement; vital statis [...]
1931 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A public health survey by a student named Frederic E. Templeton for Newberg, Oregon from 1925-1930. Includes information regarding geographic location; history of the set [...]
1930 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A public health survey by two students named E. D. Taylor and E Ricen for the Oregon City Oregon area from 1930 to 1931. Information includes history of the settlement; v [...]
1931 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A public health survey by a student named Alfred Dodds for Oregon City, Oregon in 1932. Includes information regarding vital statistics; industry; geographical location; [...]
1932 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |