Algorithmic bias refers to the biases originating from the use of artificial intelligence (AI). With AI being increasingly used in healthcare, clinicians need to be able [...]
2022 |
Abstract |
March 1966 issue of the Bulletin. Contents include: "Doctors' Own TV Show," "Medical Ethics," "Editorial" and "Letters to the Editor," "AMA Convention News," and an artic [...]
1966-03 |
Other |
Medical Society of Metropolitan Portland records |
Black and white photographic portrait of Dr. Daniel H. Labby, M.D. Emeritus Dr. Labby (b.1914) is a UOMS graduate (1939) and has been an internist, psychiatrist and ethic [...]
circa 1994 |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |
This article discusses ethical issues during end-of-life care in hospitals. The commonly used medical-ethics framework for ethical reasoning comprising of autonomy, benef [...]
2017 |
Anthology |
Erin Hoover Barnett is a communications director and former journalist. She was born in Wisconsin and earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. Barnett then move [...]
2011 March 2 |
Interview |
History of Medicine in Oregon oral history project |
Dr. Miles J. Edwards begins with general information about his education and his career here at OHSU, first in the Division of Chest Diseases and, later, as a member of t [...]
1998 August 7 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Miles J. Edwards was a physician and professor. He completed his medical degree at the University of Oregon Medical School (UOMS, now Oregon Health & Science Universi [...]
2005 November 3 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Introduction message about the essays collected from the "Ethics in Healthcare Organization" course offered by the OHSU School of Medicine's Division of Management as par [...]
2017 |
Anthology |
The practice of medicine increasingly relies on machine intelligence. Most of the existing technology functions as tools to support human activity, but some emerging uses [...]
2017 |
Anthology |
Includes articles on: Dr. Emily Mumford speaks at commencement, M. Lowell Edwards named Research Chair for Research in Clinical Cardiology, two OHSU psychiatrist awarded [...]
1983 June |
Periodical |
Institutional Publications|OHSU News |