A letter to the mayor and council requesting and explaining the urgent need for a permanent medical school inspection. Esther Pohl Lovejoy Papers; 2001-004
1908 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A draft of a speech or article about the purpose of public health, the need for citizens to be invested in their city, and sanitation in Portland.
1908 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A state report on health services for Oregonian children.
1944 |
Text [general] |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
The subject of infancy and maternity is one of particular imĀportance in the field of public health, since in this field in which everyone has more or less interest, so [...]
1932-1941 |
Thesis |
A 1946 public health handbook.
1946 |
Text [general] |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A public health survey by a student named Frank Rafferty for Astoria, Oregon in 1932. Includes information regarding local health agencies; vital statistics; communicable [...]
1932 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A public health survey by a student named Frank Minas for Beaverton, Oregon in 1931. Includes information regarding vital statistics; control of communicable and venereal [...]
1931 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A community health report by a student named J. Irving Tuell for Canby, Oregon in 1930. Includes information regarding local civic agencies; vital statistics; communicabl [...]
1930 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A public health survey by a student named John Renshaw for Canby, Oregon in 1931. Includes information regarding various local health agencies; vital statistics; communic [...]
1931 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |
A public health survey by a student named W. P. Wilbur for Carlton, Oregon in 1930. Includes information geographic location; industry; control of water, foodstuffs, and [...]
1930 |
Book |
Public Health in Oregon: Discovering Historical Data |