Chronic cough in adults is the most common primary complaint when pursuing medical treatment in the United States. The management of these patients is complex due to thei [...]
2021 |
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Black and white photograph of Ted A. Cook, M.D., facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, operating on patient.
circa 1986 |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |
Black and white photograph of George E. Chamberlain, M.D., in a clinical setting using a teaching microscope. A noted local otolaryngologist, he was a graduate of the Uni [...]
Still image |
Historical Collections and Archives |
A black and white photographic portrait of Ralph Fenton, M.D. A physician and surgeon, he was a longtime faculty member and chief of Otolaryngology department (1911-1946) [...]
1900 |
Still image |
Historical Collections and Archives |
Medical students often lack in-depth knowledge of the complex anatomy and surgical techniques used in otolaryngology, which can impede learning on rotations and in the op [...]
2024 |
Abstract |
Vernon talks about his studies on the hearing of bats at Princeton University for 14 years and then his move to Portland, Oregon, in 1966 to establish a clinical research [...]
1997 November 13 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Current practice patterns of US radiation oncologists remain largely unknown. Associations between hierarchy of decision-making for transoral robotic-assisted surgery (TO [...]
2022 |
Abstract |
Black and white photographic portrait of William "Hal" Martin, Ph.D., professor and Director of the OHSU Tinnitus Clinic.
20th century |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |