The activity where people with PD have the most falls is during turning, and Turning is involved in about 40% of the daily steps. However, turning is less studied than st [...]
2024 |
Abstract |
Black and white photograph of John P. Hammerstad, M.D.
1970s |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |
Drug-induced movement disorders are common and under-assessed. They are most commonly caused by antipsychotic medications which are used to treat a number of different ps [...]
2021 |
Final project |
People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are five times more likely to experience a fall than those without PD and many falls are associated with turning. Currently, physic [...]
2023-08-25 |
Abstract |
Freezing of gait (FOG) is one of the most debilitating features of Parkinson’s disease (PD). FOG may be due to a lack of central inhibition, as people with PD and FOG ( [...]
2023-08-21 |
Abstract |
PD is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor dysfunction. Functional MRI offers a unique opportunity to non-invasively characterize brain function. In this s [...]
2021 |
Abstract |
Individuals with Parkinson Disease (PD) often present with hypokinetic dysarthria which can impact intelligibility, ability to communicate with friends and family, and pa [...]
2020 |
Abstract |
Exercise interventions can improve mobility in people with Parkinson's disease (PD). Recently, it has been shown that an Agility Boot Camp intervention with Cognitive Cha [...]
2020 |
Abstract |
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is responsible for more balance and cognitive disability than most chronic diseases. Cognitive function, mainly executive function, is essentia [...]
2023-09-13 |
Abstract |
Age related sleep disruption and fragmentation are common in elderly populations and the amount of time spent in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep naturally declines with ag [...]
2022 |
Abstract |