
Three nurses share their memories of the years they spent in military service with the 46th General Hospital during World War II. Ruby Hills, Kay Fisher Hilterbrant, and Edith Moore Richards were all working at Good Samaritan Hospital in downtown Portland when Col. J. Guy Strohm, urologist at the University of Oregon Medical School (UOMS) and WWI veteran, received orders to assemble a volunteer unit in 1940. For two years before they were called up, the unit attended lectures and classes at UOMS to learn about the various conditions and diseases they might encounter in battle, and to become familiar with Army procedures. In July of 1942, the unit was sent to Fort Riley, Kansas, to begin preparations for a possible mobilization overseas. The call came in August 1943, when the unit left Kansas for Oran, Algiers. Thirteen months later, the unit was moved to Besan_紀n, France for the remainder of the war. The women together describe the long trip home on the liner Vulcania, and their return to civilian life. Finally, they share their impressions of Col. Strohm and explain the importance of the unit flag, which was subsequently donated to OHSU Historical Collections & Archives.




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