

ca. 1870's
Medical Museum Collection, Box 10
Leather surgical instrument pack from George Tiemann & Co., measuring 13 cm x 6 cm x 3.5 cm. Some of the original instruments are missing, and have been replaced by other instruments. The kit was donated by W.L. Bishop, M.D. The set currently contains: 1) three ebony-handled retractors, 2) three shell-handled folding lancets, 3) artery forceps, 4) small tweezer forceps, 5) bone chisel, 6) six catheter sections, 7) ivory-handled applicator, 8) flat-handled probe, 9) director, 10) small, curved-tipped tweezer forceps, and 11) a newspaper clipping about the instruments, dated 1879.
Digital photograph of a set of surgical instruments in a leather case. The red-lined case is opened to reveal the instruments inside, and three ebony-handled retractors have been placed on the counter to the right of the kit. A newspaper clipping and a typed provenance card have also been placed on the counter.




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