Direct-care staff at a residential treatment center in Oregon require evidence-based training so that they can respond to dysregulated clients at high risk of Non-Suicidal Self-Harm (NSSI) in a way that is effective, patient-centered and trauma-informed. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) has been implemented in similar settings and client populations to the project site, is trauma-informed and focuses on development of skills that staff can use to coach clients. Project aims included direct-care staff?s acquisition and understanding of DBT skills via in-person and pre-recorded video training sessions. Measures of the intervention's success included percentage of staff trained and rate of perceived change in acquisition, knowledge and utility of DBT skills. In order to assess unintentional outcomes of the intervention, staffing levels and frequency of turnover were analyzed. Data was limited due to a high rate of survey non-response but showed modest improvements in skills acquisition and perceived utility following in-person training. This project adds to an under-represented topic in the literature, and which could benefit from future improvement efforts.