Driving a vehicle plays a vital role in an older individual's sense of independence and is often a ubiquitous aspect of modern life. However, sensory, cognitive, and musculoskeletal changes associated with aging often alter an individual's ability to safely navigate the vehicle and the road. Currently, no universal screening tool or guideline addresses older driver evaluations in the clinic setting. This Doctor of Nursing practice quality improvement project outlines the implementation and subsequent effect of providing older driver evaluation tools in two OHSU primary care clinics. Utilizing the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Model of Improvement, this quality improvement project aimed to increase the number of older driver evaluations and provider comfortability in the primary care setting. Analysis of ICD-10 code usage post-intervention showed an overall increase in the number of visits associated with the code for driver safety issues. Additionally, results from the post-intervention survey showed an increased proportion of providers reporting high comfortability in older driver evaluations. Interventions developed for this quality improvement project can be further utilized and adapted for other primary care concerns.