
Beginning as Director of Information Services in 1951, Joseph J. Adams was directed to address the School's so-called 襤idden agenda� preparing the public for the building of the Medical School Hospital. When his career at OHSU began, both state legislature and the Board of Higher Education disallowed the hiring of public relations personnel, but Dean Baird realized that public perception and media coverage would be crucial to the advancement of the institution. Adams, who would later become Director of Public Relations and Assistant Dean, recounts stories of his time here at OHSU in this interview, illustrating his belief that the stories 襪ake the institution human�. Among the topics addressed is Adams' relationship with Dean Baird製sing anecdotes to bring Baird's personality to life裻ales of town-and-gown relations, medical breakthroughs, escaped penguins, and colorful faculty members. More seriously, he also mentions conflict within the upper administration and the problems faced by female faculty members.




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