Dr. Ernest Alan Meyers begins with his interview with his upbringing during the Depression in Northern California. He served in the Army Air Corps in the Azores as a cryptographer. His postwar started at UC Berkeley in forestry, but switched to bacteriology as more challenging. This led him into the microbiology field too. He followed his B.A with a Masters at Purdue and a PhD. At Johns Hopkins. He tells how his research career changed with a personal infection by the water-borne parasite Giardia. He emphasized the dangers of non-immunized staff working with toxins could be. A chance meeting in 1957 with his uncle Dr. Harry Sears led to a faculty appointment at UOMS due his connections there. He taught the nurses for years. He speaks of his family and colleagues; and of his Giardia research in Costa Rica, Romania, and England. He describes a long but ultimately successful fight against it, which was defeated by sunlight.