Digital photograph of a dissection kit. The instruments have been removed from the case and arrayed on a blue counter top. A slip of paper indicating the name of the donor and date of donation can also been seen.
ca. 1897
Medical Museum Collection, Box 2B
A dissection kit in a black lacquer case. The case measures 18 x 7 x 2.5 cm, and is lined with buff-colored kidskin. The case clasp is brass, and there are inscriptions in black ink on the case lid. The case contains nine pieces: 1) double-pronged grappling hook, 2) calvarium hooks, 3) three scalpels, 4) three dissecting probes, and 5) one handle, possibly ivory. The kit is missing two pairs of scissors, tweezers, and dissecting forceps. It was donated in November 1940 by John Francis Ortschild, M.D.
ca. 1897
Medical Museum Collection, Box 2B
A dissection kit in a black lacquer case. The case measures 18 x 7 x 2.5 cm, and is lined with buff-colored kidskin. The case clasp is brass, and there are inscriptions in black ink on the case lid. The case contains nine pieces: 1) double-pronged grappling hook, 2) calvarium hooks, 3) three scalpels, 4) three dissecting probes, and 5) one handle, possibly ivory. The kit is missing two pairs of scissors, tweezers, and dissecting forceps. It was donated in November 1940 by John Francis Ortschild, M.D.