Digital photograph of a collection of Japanese medicines and medical instruments dating from the period of the Second World War. The top of the cardboard box in which the items were packaged can be seen, and the Japanese-language label is visible. The kit items are arranged around the box top, and a ruler has been placed in the foreground for size comparisons
2) five small clear glass vials with cork stoppers and metal caps, 3) two small amber vials with metal caps, 4) six small bandage packs with brown paper wrappers, 5) one long amber vial containing nine smaller iodine vials with metal caps, 6) a one cc. glass syringe inside a glass vial with metal cap, 7) a wooden bottle case containing a bottle, 8) one box of ampules containing "Digitaminum," 9) one box of vials containing "Liquor Strophanthini," 10) a wide mouth glass bottle for "Chininum Hydrochloricum," 11) a small, olive-drab, metal canister, 12) two rolls of bandage material, 13) one round cardboard container, sealed, 14) a yellow glass bottle with black plastic cap, containing "Atebrini" pills, 15) an unfinished wooden vial case, containing a rubber-tipped vial and printed information sheet, 16) white plastic stethoscope with rubber tubing, and 17) a small canvas bag, containing an olive-drab canister. The collection was donated by Virgil C. Larson, M.D., in April 1945. The items are generally in fair condition.
Collection of miscellaneous World War II-era Japanese medicines and medical instruments. The items are packaged in a cardboard box, with Japanese characters on the lid. The box contains: 1) a sealed package of x-ray paper
2) five small clear glass vials with cork stoppers and metal caps, 3) two small amber vials with metal caps, 4) six small bandage packs with brown paper wrappers, 5) one long amber vial containing nine smaller iodine vials with metal caps, 6) a one cc. glass syringe inside a glass vial with metal cap, 7) a wooden bottle case containing a bottle, 8) one box of ampules containing "Digitaminum," 9) one box of vials containing "Liquor Strophanthini," 10) a wide mouth glass bottle for "Chininum Hydrochloricum," 11) a small, olive-drab, metal canister, 12) two rolls of bandage material, 13) one round cardboard container, sealed, 14) a yellow glass bottle with black plastic cap, containing "Atebrini" pills, 15) an unfinished wooden vial case, containing a rubber-tipped vial and printed information sheet, 16) white plastic stethoscope with rubber tubing, and 17) a small canvas bag, containing an olive-drab canister. The collection was donated by Virgil C. Larson, M.D., in April 1945. The items are generally in fair condition.
Collection of miscellaneous World War II-era Japanese medicines and medical instruments. The items are packaged in a cardboard box, with Japanese characters on the lid. The box contains: 1) a sealed package of x-ray paper