Positioning of the lead and location of the implantable pulse generator pocket for spinal cord stimulator may impact the likelihood of subsequent surgical revisions
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) represents a potential treatment for patients with refractory back pain. However, SCS is not without limitations. While characteristics and predictors of SCS implantation success are well
described, the fate of patients who require revision surgery after initial implantation remains poorly
understood. We sought to characterize the fate of SCS patients that require surgical revision and identify pertinent patient features that may indicate greater likelihood of revision success.
Positioning of the lead and location of the implantable pulse generator pocket for spinal cord stimulator may impact the likelihood of subsequent surgical revisions
Kronquist, Elise : Oregon Health and Science University Palan, Mihir : Oregon Health and Science University Kim, Samuel : Oregon Health and Science University Tan, Hao : Oregon Health and Science University Raslan, Ahmed : Oregon Health and Science University
Meeting Name
Research Week, Oregon Health and Science University, 2023