

Medical Museum Collection, Box 6
Digital photograph of a hemoglobinometer in a case. The green velvet-lined case has been opened, and the instrument name and manufacturers information can be seen printed on the inside lid. One of Riekers original instruments, the Dare Hemoglobinometer was a handheld instrument used to detect anemia in patients when doctors made house calls.
ca. 1920's
Dare hemoglobinometer in a black leatherette case. The case is lined in green velvet. The instrument name and manufacturers information is printed in gold on the inside lid of the case: The Dare hemoglobinometer, made and guaranteed by Rieker Instrument Co., Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. The case and instrument were donated in March 1962 by Raymond D. Grondahl, M.D., and are in good condition. The case contains: 1) battery handle, 2) candle and bracket, 3) light bulb, 25 delta, 4) eye piece, 5) lancet, 6) candle base, and 7) viewing apparatus.




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