

This image is included in the digital library as part of a partnership between the OHSU Library and the Northwest Narrative Medicine Collaborative to share Narrative Medicine curriculum and the items used in those teaching sessions. For additional information about how the poem is used in teaching and a community driven context, please visit Accessible Narrative Medicine website.

Born in Pennsylvania in 1958, Keith Haring spent his childhood there. Drawing was something he loved to do from a very young age, eventually matriculating in Pittsburgh's Ivy School of Professional Art. In the course of a short but vigorous career that lasted the 1980s, more than 100 solo and group shows included Haring's work. He frequently produced artwork for orphanages, hospitals, children's day care facilities, and other charitable organizations. The Keith Haring Foundation was established in 1989 with the goals of extending the reach of Haring's work through publications, exhibitions, and image licensing, as well as providing funds and artwork to AIDS groups and children's programs. Haring passed away in 1990 (Source: NOTE: the organization that granted us permission has been added to the publisher field.

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