ca. 1880-1900
Medical Museum Collection, Box 42
A wooden chest containing approximately 94 specimen slides for the microscope, donated by John C. Brougher, M.D., in February 1976. The finished wood chest measures 22.5 x 14.5 x 17.5 cm and has brass fixtures. The interior is lined with a reddish velvet, and is divided into four sections. Each slide is labeled. The set is in good condition, although the key to the chest is missing.
Digital photograph of a set of specimen slides in a wooden chest. The chest has been placed on a gray counter and the lid has been opened to show the top compartment.
Medical Museum Collection, Box 42
A wooden chest containing approximately 94 specimen slides for the microscope, donated by John C. Brougher, M.D., in February 1976. The finished wood chest measures 22.5 x 14.5 x 17.5 cm and has brass fixtures. The interior is lined with a reddish velvet, and is divided into four sections. Each slide is labeled. The set is in good condition, although the key to the chest is missing.
Digital photograph of a set of specimen slides in a wooden chest. The chest has been placed on a gray counter and the lid has been opened to show the top compartment.