Sphygmomanometer in a case, measuring 30.5 x 9.2 x 8 cm. The finished wood case has a brass handle and hinges. The gauge is attached to the case lid, which swings up. A length of rubber tubing with rubber bulb and a cloth arm band are included. The instrument is in good condition. It was donated by John C. Brougher, M.D., in February 1976.
ca. 1900-1910
Medical Museum Collection, Box 54
Digital photograph of a sphygmomanometer in a case, set on a counter. The case lid has been swung open to show the gauge, and the armband and rubber tubing have been set on the counter to the right of the instrument. A ruler can also be seen, for size comparison. The perspective is from a point well above the counter.
ca. 1900-1910
Medical Museum Collection, Box 54
Digital photograph of a sphygmomanometer in a case, set on a counter. The case lid has been swung open to show the gauge, and the armband and rubber tubing have been set on the counter to the right of the instrument. A ruler can also be seen, for size comparison. The perspective is from a point well above the counter.