Digital photograph of two Coolidge GE x-ray tubes, set on a gray counter. A ruler has been placed in the foreground for size comparison.
ca. 1910-1930?
Two Coolidge GE x-ray tubes, 55 cm and 57 cm in length. Coolidge GE tube #34380 has a removable shock-proof screw cap for the socket. A paper label on the end of the tube reads "fine focus," and lettering on the tube itself reads: "this tube not licensed to be re-exhausted or repaired, nor is the metal herein contained licensed to be used except in this particular tube." The Coolidge GE #15867 also has a removable screw cap, and is mounted with two electric wire terminals. The socket on this tube is somewhat corroded.
Medical Museum Collection, Box 81
ca. 1910-1930?
Two Coolidge GE x-ray tubes, 55 cm and 57 cm in length. Coolidge GE tube #34380 has a removable shock-proof screw cap for the socket. A paper label on the end of the tube reads "fine focus," and lettering on the tube itself reads: "this tube not licensed to be re-exhausted or repaired, nor is the metal herein contained licensed to be used except in this particular tube." The Coolidge GE #15867 also has a removable screw cap, and is mounted with two electric wire terminals. The socket on this tube is somewhat corroded.
Medical Museum Collection, Box 81