

Medical Museum Collection, Shelf 4C4
Digital photograph of a drug kit in a black leather case. The unlined case has been opened to show two rows of clear glass vials, many with paper labels. A small leather case containing bottles of silver picrate has been removed from the larger case and set on the gray counter to the left. Miscellaneous printed material, a vial of suture material, and a thermometer housing has also been placed on the counter around the case.
ca. 1930's
A drug kit in a black leather case, measuring 38 x 15 x 13.5 cm. The unlined case has three drug vial trays with metal vial clips, an interior leather pocket running the length of the case, and a enclosed compartment half the length of the case that has fifteen instrument loops. The kit contains: 1) thirty-two narrow glass vials, 10 cm in height, 2) twelve large glass vials with labels, 3) one box of hypodermic tablets, 4) two boxes of silver picrate vaginal suppositories, 5) a small leather case, 18.6 x 9.5 x 6.5 cm, containing five bottles of silver picrate, 6) small empty glass bottle, 7) suture material in a glass tube, and 8) glass and plastic thermometer case. Miscellaneous printed material is also included in the case. The kit was donated by Bert D. Campbell, M.D., in April 1966. The case and vials are generally in good condition.




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