Black and white photograph, measuring 10 x 8 inches. Caption on the back of the photograph reads: "Central Control Room of the Cardiovascular Research Laboratory at the University of Oregon Medical School. A product of the electronic age, the laboratory has built-in eyes and ears and a flawless memory for diagnosing and treating heart and circulatory diseases."
ca. 1960's?
Interior view of the Central Control Room of the Cardiovascular Research Laboratory, part of the UOMS Division of Cardiology. An unidentified technician sits at the controls. Digital scan produced for the exhibit "Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature" in Fall 2004.
Historical Image Collection, Box 30
ca. 1960's?
Interior view of the Central Control Room of the Cardiovascular Research Laboratory, part of the UOMS Division of Cardiology. An unidentified technician sits at the controls. Digital scan produced for the exhibit "Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature" in Fall 2004.
Historical Image Collection, Box 30