There is a growing national demand to demonstrate quality of care, efficacious clinical outcomes and evidence based practice. Enhanced by Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) discussion of outcome based reimbursement and the need for fiscal restraint on what many see as the unsustainable trajectory of health care costs demand is growing to develop new methods of measurement of health care and clinical outcomes. Quality of life (QoL) has been discussed conceptually for many years but has been thrust further into clinical consciousness with this discussion. In summary, there is a need for a simple but comprehensive, standardized tool that can be used as a metric for the impact of pituitary tumors on QoL and life function changes. After validation, this instrument could be used to guide decision making with respect to choice and timing of treatments and to compare the efficacy of different treatment modalities or specific treatments over time and correlate clinical findings in pituitary diseases. Such a tool is needed to guide assessment, informed consent and treatment in both specialty care and primary care settings and to demonstrate efficacious outcomes of care.