Susan Conrad is an important character in the story of OHSU's transition into the age of the personal computer, the use of modern technology in health and science, and beyond. As a key leader in the IT and support team in the early years of computer technology on college campuses, Conrad played a significant role in training, information access, and tech education on the hill. This interview provides an interesting perspective on the challenges of employing and embracing the use of new and intimidating technologies on a multi-departmental scale, from the perspective of a technology educator. Other themes include spatial and financial obstacles, gender issues, and career development.
Oral histories are considered historical materials. They are the personal recollections and opinions of the individuals involved and, therefore, may contain offensive language, ideas or negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language of a person, period or place. Oral histories should not serve as the sole source of information about an institution or particular historical events. These narratives should in no way be interpreted as the official history of Oregon Health & Science University, nor do they necessarily represent the views of the institution.