The National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidelines defining populations that are underrepresented in biomedical research fields have changed four times since early 2018. The most recent guidelines include nine criteria for underrepresentation. To qualify, a person must be from a racial or ethnic minority or have a disability, or meet two of the other seven criteria: experience with homelessness, experience with foster care, eligibility for free/reduced-price lunch, status as a first-generation college student, eligibility for Federal Pell grants, eligibility for WIC, or come from an underserved area. The NIH provides a tool to assess an individual's qualification for only one criterion (i.e., underserved area) of the nine. Without asking applicants directly for extensive and sensitive demographic data, it is challenging to determine whether a person qualifies as underrepresented under NIH guidelines. Diversifying STEM and providing opportunities to historically underrepresented populations remain national priorities, yet the aforementioned barriers make it difficult to comprehensively define underrepresented and then translate those definitions to an actual use case in a way that is not overly demanding of the applicant.