Numerous Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) programs have undergone a curriculum transformation in recent years with the goal of more effectively integrating clinical, systems, and basic sciences throughout the curriculum. In short, these systems-based curricula aim to present "normal" function in direct contrast with "abnormal" to provide an immediate clinical context. However, even in these integrated curricula, gross anatomy is typically taught as an independent course at the beginning of the program, sometimes with reinforcement later in the context of each organ system. By contrast, in designing the YourMD curriculum for the OHSU UME program, we elected to integrate the majority of the anatomical sciences content into each systems-based block to emphasize its functional and clinical application. As an innovative approach to anatomy education, it was especially important to implement a process for data-informed continuous quality improvement of the educational experience and learning outcomes. This presentation demonstrates application of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle as a framework, targeting three aspects of the learning experience ? sequencing of content, spacing of sessions, and assessments for the Skin, Bone, and Muscle Block of the YourMD curriculum.