Small, green and black, circular metal tins labled as "Dr. Pierce's Antiseptic and Healing Suppositories." These vaginal suppositories claimed to purify, deodorize, and p [...]
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Pink taped and damaged cardboard box for "The Woman's Friend." Little is known about this product or the Oregon company that produced it. It claimed to cure menstrual dis [...]
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Small, blue and cream, paper-wrapped package of Pennyroyal (Hedeoma Pulegloides) leaves. Pennyroyal has documented usage dating back to the ancient Greek and Roman cultur [...]
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Small, dark brown glass bottle with white label for Premarin tablets. Premarin is an estrogen medication developed by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals in 1942. The name comes from i [...]
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Small glass bottle containing brown liquid with a handwritten label that says "Lysol." Lysol Disinfectant has a long history as a cleaning product, douche, contraceptive, [...]
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Small, faded, black and white box cover for Piso's Tablets. Piso's tablets were marketed as a remedy for a wide range of ailments, including "diseased womb," dyspepsia, k [...]
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Cream-colored box with red and black lettering for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription bottle. Dr. Ray Vaughn Pierce was the nation's leading seller of mail-order patent m [...]
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Cream-colored cardboard box for Wampole's Vaginal Cones. This product, created by pharmacist Henry K. Wampole, was designed as an antiseptic that both cleaned and deodori [...]
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Small, gold and black metal tin for Watkin's Laxative Cold & Grip Tablets. These laxative tablet, created by the J. R. Watkins Co., also claimed to reduce the headach [...]
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Small, square, cardboard package for Ripan's Chocolate Coated Tabules. These laxatice tabules were created by Ripans Chemical Co. The chocolate coating was meant to cover [...]
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