Increasing evidence suggests that greater maternal adiposity during pregnancy is related to offspring risk for mental health disorders, although the mechanisms through wh [...]
2023-07-19 |
Abstract |
Color digital scan of a black and white aerial photograph centered on Marquam Hill and facing northeast. Views contains Mackenzie Hall, Multnomah County Hospital, Child D [...]
1940 |
Still image |
Historical Collections and Archives |
Our research is designed to investigate factors associated with the language development in patients with cochlear implants (CIs) who come from Hispanic families with lim [...]
2023 |
Capstone |
Delay discounting, or the preference for smaller, immediate rewards over larger, delayed rewards, has been associated with numerous psychological disorders, including sub [...]
2023-09-08 |
Abstract |
Many different strategies have been used to overcome barriers to pain management. One such strategy is improving nurses’ knowledge through the Pain Resource Nurse (PRN [...]
2009 |
Portfolio |
An average of 12% of preschoolers receiving special education services require alternative and augmentative communication, yet AAC interventions are rarely initiated with [...]
2024 |
Abstract |
Black and white aerial photograph of the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center (formerly called Crippled Children's Division) on the Marquam Hill campus of the Univ [...]
circa 1969 |
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Historical Image Collection |
A Black and white aerial photograph of the of the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center, facing north, circa 1969.
circa 1969 |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |
Black and white aerial photograph of the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center (CDRC) (formerly called Crippled Children's Division) on the Marquam Hill campus of t [...]
circa 1969 |
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |
Black and white photograph documenting the assistive technology program with a patient and therapist at the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center (CDRC).
Still image |
Historical Image Collection |