2020-07-07 |
Presentation |
While historically, opioids have been used broadly to manage severe acute postoperative pain, recent studies have shown that patients are frequently prescribed opioids ei [...]
2023 |
Final project |
Postoperative pain poses a significant challenge for patients undergoing ambulatory orthopedic surgery with 30% of patients reporting moderate to severe pain. Regional an [...]
2020 |
Abstract |
The use of multimodal analgesia is preferred over single-agent analgesia for postoperative pain management due to synergistic modulations of pain pathways. The two most c [...]
2024 |
Abstract |
Opioids are commonly prescribed for pain management in patients undergoing Posterior Spinal Instrumentation and Fusion (PSIF) surgeries. Opioids often lead to complicatio [...]
2024-04-25 |
Final project |
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