The general problem with which the present study is concerned is the relationship of body image to self-esteem. It is here assumed that these two perceptions of the indiv [...]
1975 |
Thesis |
Errors in the management of self medication in the home environment are not unusual. The occurrence of potentially serious medication errors can be documented by talking [...]
1974 |
Thesis |
The magnitude of the problem of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, most notably emphysema and chronic bronchitis, is widely known. In the past 15 years, morbidity and [...]
1973 |
Thesis |
The diversity of activities and role titles has produced confusion within the nursing and medical professions. This paper addresses the problem of these diverse activitie [...]
1973 |
Thesis |
In the United States, approximately 1,000,000 people developed disabling angina pectoris each year. Another 600 thousand people survive acute myocardial infarction result [...]
1975 |
Thesis |
Concomitant with the increase in the number of aged persons in our society is a growing realization of their multiple and complex health needs. While the prevalence of il [...]
1974 |
Thesis |
Dr. Rawlinson reminisces about her years as a student in the Department of Nursing Education at the University of Oregon Medical School during the 1940s. She describes Di [...]
1997 December 5 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Pain in the post-operative patient serves no purpose ordinarily. Pain present in postoperative patients limits movement hinders necessary coughing and deep breathing exer [...]
1974 |
Thesis |
The prevailing attitude toward the aged in our society is largely negative. Many of these elderly patients in nursing homes seem confused and disoriented and are diagnose [...]
1974 |
Thesis |
Heart disease ranks first among the leading causes of death in 12 of the highly industrialized nations of the world, namely the United States of America, Canada, West Ger [...]
1974 |
Thesis |