Maternity health is important to the nation and so very important to our progress in the future. Upon maternal health depends on the health of the nation. By gaining the [...]
1932-1941 |
Thesis |
Spina bifida is a congenital neural tube defect affecting the spine, spinal cord, and brain with lifelong health-related consequences. Early recognition and comprehensive [...]
2022 |
Final project |
Preventative medicine now includes within its domains fields which were unheard of only a few years ago. Goiter is probably the most widespread and spectacular of the pre [...]
1925 |
Thesis |
A black and white photographic portrait of Harold T. Osterud, M.D. Dr. Osterud joined the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine in 1961 and served as depart [...]
Still image |
Historical Collections and Archives |
Dr. Michelle Berlin is the Director of the Center for Women's Health at OHSU. Her work is centered around public health and preventive medicine, with a focus on screening [...]
2018 May 21 |
Interview |
Oral History Collection |
Includes articles on: OHSU examines the role of lifestyle in overall health, curriculums stress health promotion and illness prevention, problem with heart-health lies in [...]
1985 February |
Periodical |
Institutional Publications|OHSU News |
Includes article on: potential exists for OHSU major cancer center, research institute to advance knowledge of cancer process, lab seeks hormone clues to fight breast can [...]
1984 March |
Periodical |
Institutional Publications|OHSU News |
Includes articles on: Dr. Edward Herbert appointed director of Advanced Biomedical Research, convocation to feature clinical care exhibits, OHSU studies origins of glauco [...]
1983 May |
Periodical |
Institutional Publications|OHSU News |